
Friday, June 29, 2007

एकै अनुहार फरक मुहार ।

सरसफाई कति महत्वपुर्ण छ भन्ने कुरा रसुवाका यि कलिला नानीहरुलाई फोटो खिच्नको लागी मुख धुन लगाएको थिए, तेसैबाट देखिएको छ नि तिनको चम्किलो अनुहार ।

1 comment:

D-Express said...

I think it is because of illeteracy and lack of awareness. These people do not have that sort of consciousness to ensure their good health and hygiene. Ihope one day they will understand how important is it to look after themselves.